Plant-based milk is an option for who has special dietary needs, dairy protein allergies or lactose intolerance; and interest and preference to plant-based milk product is increasing by the nutrition conscious. Dairy-free alternatives to milk and milk products are suspensions of plant-based materials and their extracts in water. There are many different non-dairy milk alternatives that comes from plants like seeds, soy, nuts,or grains like oats or rice instead of cow milk. Hyggefoods’ new innovation this field is development of plant-based milk based on hemp seeds.

Hemp Milk’ R&D
Meet our plant-based milk that we developed with our Tübitak-supported R&D studies. While making Ca enrichment, we control the protein and fat percentage of hemp milk. Moreover, by using our hemp seeds R&D studies we develop barista milk.
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Our plant-based milk is made from hemp seeds. Hemp milk has a slightly sweet taste and a thin, watery texture. It works best as a substitute for lighter milks such as skim milk. Hemp milk contains a similar amount of fat to cow’s milk, but around half the calories and protein. Unsweetened hemp milk is very low in carbohydrates and contains significantly fewer carbohydrates. It is a good option for vegans and vegetarians, since one glass provides 2–3 grams of high quality, complete protein, with all the essential amino acids. Besides it’s quality, we can control protein and fat content our hemp milk. Hemp milk is a source of two essential fatty acids: the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid and the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid. Human body cannot make omega-3 and omega-6, so we must get them from foods.

By using a hemp seed proteins, our products turn rich quality of protein source.
CAROB EXTRACT & sweet apricot SEED
To strength our milk’s, we use carob extract and sweet apricot seed.